What We Do
Sky Cliff Center’s mission is to provide continuing care to Adults with Special Needs, Seniors and Stroke Victors by offering programs that foster a sense of self-worth in each participant through positive encouragement in a loving and accepting environment. Participant Funding Sources that we accept are Developmental Pathways, Medicaid, Rocky Mountain Human Services, and The Veteran's Administration (VA).
Our Core Values
Free Exchange of Ideas
We value the ability to discuss and debate issues in an atmosphere free from recrimination. We support the free exchange of ideas with all who are associated with Sky Cliff Center. At the same time, we counsel each other to keep in mind the confidential nature of the information we share, the sensitivity to a participants and each other’s’ personal rights and that such exchanges remain within Sky Cliff Center’s organizational structure.
Team Work
We work together as a team, recognizing that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. We encourage the sharing of ideas and skills as we carry out our personal mission within the mission of Sky Cliff Center. We also value the contributions, skills and talents of each participant and staff member. We believe that each participant, each staff member and each volunteer is accountable for both their actions and their area of responsibility.
Human Dignity
We value and respect each person, recognizing differences in spiritual beliefs, age, race, gender, physical and intellectual capacity, and economic status. Our treatment of people reflects our commitment to promote the dignity of each person, to encourage personal and professional growth and advancement, and to encourage dialog and the exchange of ideas in a professional atmosphere. We believe that the participants, as adults, are entitled to the consideration, dignity, and value that all other adults are granted. We believe that Sky Cliff Center is the extended family of each participant.
We are committed to sharing accurate, timely and appropriate information with one another and accept the responsibility of being self-informed. Where appropriate, we share information with the participants, participants’ parents and guardians, families, fiduciary, friends, visitors, and the public.
Code of Conduct
In dealing with participants, each other and people within and outside the organization, we exemplify courtesy, fairness, honesty and integrity.
We assist and meet the needs of the Participants and consider them to be the top priority! We serve our community by providing care for Adults with Special Needs and encourage our staff to share their talents with the community.
With vision, growth, personal and professional development, we are committed to a leadership role in giving the highest quality continuing care for Adults with Special Needs.
Staff and Volunteers:
We believe that our Staff and Volunteers are our most valuable assets. Their interests, security, and sense of well-being are given a high priority.